21 September 2015,


Note This Before Installing a Jetpump Water Pump

In meeting water needs for daily needs, making your own jetpump water pump installation is certainly cheaper than the subscription to PAM water. However, there are of course a number of things that you should consider before building your own jetpump pump installation. Some basic considerations are:

1. You must be absolutely sure about the quality of ground water in your neighborhood, that is, it does not smell or murky,
2. Must be absolutely sure about the smooth supply of ground water in your environment, both in the rainy season and in the dry season,
3. You must provide a place to put the container or tank. It does not have to use a tank, but to save electricity, a machine that is more durable and anticipates power failure, it is advisable to install a tank.

If your house is in a housing complex with limited land area, car garage space near the fence can be a good choice for digging water sources. However, if there is an open area behind the house, that would be a better choice. Other things to consider:

1. Distance of the well to the planned jetpump engine position, the closer the better.
2. The distance between the well and the water tank, the closer the better.
3. There is flexibility to remove the pipe from the well even in an oblique position.

In addition, the jetpump water pump installation also needs to be considered the materials used, one of which is water pipes. Choose water pipes with good quality and reliable. Rucika Standard is a PVC pipe for piping systems in and out of buildings. Made of uPVC material which has many advantages, including being rusty, strong, not easily broken, leak-proof, lightweight, and easy to connect and maintain.

Similarly, tips for installing a jetpump water pump. Hope it is useful for you.

Reference tips: bukuekspresiku.blogspot.co.id

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