27 Agustus 2018,


Some Things to Consider When Building a Swimming Pool

Before building a swimming pool, you should think about what needs to be prepared when you are going to decide on the appearance of the swimming pool as a whole, including hiring a swimming pool contractor. A landscape architect or pool builder can guide you through the design process, helping you to have a general idea of ​​what you want. Before building it, here are some things that need to be considered when building a swimming pool:

1. Why do you want a swimming pool?

The answer to this question will affect the basis of the swimming pool design you want. For example, a pool that is desired specifically for sports will look different from the appearance of a swimming pool for entertainment or leisure where there is some aesthetics of gurgling water or a little bit of gardening to the design.

kolam renang untuk hiburan atau bersantai

2. Who will use the swimming pool?

Keep in mind, swimming pools used by children will be different from adults or seniors. Swimming pools for all ages, can be made with a shallower area for minors and can be added to the handles on several sides of the pool for the elderly.

kolam renang yang digunakan anak-anak

3. Is your yard enough for a swimming pool?

There are some opinions that recommend a soil test first to make sure the area is suitable or not for swimming pool construction. Sandy, broad or rocky soil, and other soil factors will be taken into consideration when building a swimming pool. For example, soil with a high moisture content can increase construction costs significantly, because the soil structure must be dense.

Apakah halaman anda cukup untuk sebuah kolam renang

4. Where is the location of the swimming pool

You will need to know the property zoning and regulations in your area. To control plumbing, there may be restrictions on some points in your yard that may come into contact with the flow of gas, electricity, telephones, cables, and water pipelines and thus affect the location of the pool, as there are often additional costs to relocate these utilities. Also remember to consider how people will enter and exit the pool, where people will gather, and how to maximize sun exposure while minimizing wind exposure, which contributes to heat loss and evaporation.

Lokasi kolam renang
Gambar: Dok. unsplash (Oliver Sjostrom)

5. What is the shape and style of the swimming pool you want

Building a luxury pool is recommended to choose a form and style that complements the existing home architecture and landscape. If you are designing a pool design that doesn’t suit the architecture of your home, try to create a transition area from house to pool, using sidewalks and plants, you can guide people from one aesthetic to another without appearing to clash in style.

area transisi dari rumah ke kolam

6. What characteristics do you want in a swimming pool

To maximize enjoyment while swimming or when not swimming, you can combine water features and lighting. Based on how you plan to use the pool, you might also want to consider an underwater bench, a shallow beach-style pool, an area to play water volleyball or basketball.

Ciri khas apa yang diinginkan pada kolam renang

7. What facilities do you want

When planning the ideal swimming pool, you can list everything you want even if your budget is not building it now. Some things to consider include an outdoor kitchen, outdoor shower, swim-up bar, gazebo, and even children’s play equipment. Because it will be much cheaper to accommodate future plans in the original design than to modify the landscape of your pond water. For example, if you know you will be adding an open kitchen at a later date, you should install drains into areas that will be used as an open kitchen at the start, rather than remodel at a later date.

Fasilitas apa saja yang anda inginkan

8. What material will you use

Although plaster has been the dominant pool surface for decades, tiling has now become a necessity. Intricate tile mosaics and more recently, glazed tiles provide the artistic flexibility that many luxury pool owners seek. In addition, natural stones and waterfalls can make a pool look like one with a natural landscape, while the glossy tiles and the resulting jets of water might look beautiful around a home in a contemporary urban setting.

In addition, one of the building materials, such as a water pipe, is also needed to support the drainage to your swimming pool. Make sure you choose the best PVC pipe that is strong and durable because making a swimming pool requires quality materials such as Rucika PVC pipe.

pipa Rucika JIS dan Standard

9. How to make sure the pond will be easy to maintain

No swimming pool is maintained for free, but you can reduce maintenance costs by ensuring your pool is energy efficient. Have an automatic sanitizer such as a brine generator that can ensure the right amount of sanitizing chemical is in the water at all times, reducing algae in the pool and reducing maintenance costs

kolam akan mudah dipelihara

10. Who will build the pool

The best way to find a pool builder who is committed to quality construction and good design is to ask for referrals from friends and colleagues who own a pool you like.

pembangun kolam

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