Together with High-rise Buildings Maintain Ground Level

Bersama Bangunan Gedung Bertingkat Menjaga Level Permukaan Tanah

Several online media convey the news that there are still many high-rise buildings that meet their clean/drinking water needs from groundwater. Of course, we already know that overexploitation of groundwater will have a negative impact on the ground level. The lower the groundwater content, the lower the soil surface level. Floods that occur in big

Starterpack Piping System For Minimalist House

Starterpack Sistem Perpipaan Untuk Rumah Minimalis

During the pandemic, we often find the latest inspiration for minimalist homes, both newly built or under renovation. Along with the times, the form of house design is now increasingly varied. Starting from the design of a house full of partitions and various kinds of partitions to limit one space to another. Now the design

Recognizing Failures That Can Occur In The Wastewater System

Mengenal Kegagalan Yang Bisa Terjadi  Pada Sistem Air Buangan

As we know, one of the most important parts in a building is the installation of waste water pipes. Therefore, certain conditions are needed to design a waste water pipes installation. Some of the requirements for the installation of waste water pipes, namely that flowing water must be with air and in the installation of

Rucika Exoplas, Distribute Clean Water in the Middle of a Pandemic

Rucika Exoplas, Distribusikan Air Bersih ditengah Pandemi

Rucika Exoplas PVC-O pipe is the result of innovation made by Rucika to develop the best pipe. With the presence of the Rucika Exoplas PVC-O pipe, of course, answers the need for clean water distribution in the community. Exoplas Pipe Advantages Rucika Exoplas PVC-O pipe does not use Lead material which is harmful to health in

Requirements for Proper Clean Water Installation

Syarat Instalasi Air Bersih yang Tepat

Clean water very much needed by living things. To distribute clean water, there are a number of requirements that must be met to ensure the quality and hygiene of water, that is: Optimal technicality (easy to reach, safe, and in accordance with SNI 8153: 2015) The quantity is sufficient to meet the needs Hygienic (colorless,

Why the Rucika Rainwater System?

Mengapa Harus Rucika Rainwater System

Maybe most of the population Indonesia’s capital will not like this. Yes, the amount of water is too much a lot or flood. The year 2020 begins with a surprise which is less pleasant for some Jakartans because of the abundance of water rain which cannot be accommodated by sewers, culverts, rivers or places other

Do These 5 Things to Help Stop the Spread of the Corona Virus

Lakukan 5 Hal Ini untuk Bantu Hentikan Penyebaran Virus Corona

The corona virus pandemic has hit all over the world, even in Indonesia. Until now, globally the cases have reached more than 10 million people. While positive cases in Indonesia have reached more than 50 thousand people who have contracted the virus, and there is no vaccine that can prevent coronavirus (COVID-19). The Indonesian government

Difference Between Standard PVC Pipes and JIS PVC Pipes

Rucika Standard Pipe

Rucika as a pipe producer has produced a lot of pipes based on their uses and has been distributed to many areas that are commonly applied by the community for homes, namely Rucika Standard Pipes and Rucika JIS Pipes. Many people in general also ask the difference between the two types of pipes. In addition

Avoid Floods, Use the Rucika Rainwater System

Rucika Rainwater Systems

Heavy rain can cause flooding especially in urban areas such as Jakarta. As has just happened, floods that have rarely been heard in recent years in various areas in Jakarta, were again seen in the Senayan Jakarta area, 17 December 2019 afternoon. The rain which flushed one of the shopping centers in the capital made